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Helena Mikhael | Lebanon & Canada | Discover Your Inner Light

Life Coach | Spiritual Healer | Breath Facilitator

Light Warrior | 2X Award Winning Life Coach

Helena Mikhael’s story is one of light, love, and transformation, woven with the threads of a journey that started in the most unexpected way. From a traditional upbringing, Helena always felt there was something more calling her—a deep, inner connection to the unseen forces of nature and spirit. Her name, “Helena,” meaning "torch" or "shining light," perfectly reflects her life’s mission: to guide others to discover their inner light and embrace their highest selves. But this wasn’t always clear to her. As a child, Helena had an almost magical relationship with the world around her. She would spend hours in nature, feeling a deep sense of connection to the energy that flowed through everything. It wasn’t just about trees, rivers, or animals—it was about something more profound, something ethereal. She felt the presence of spirit all around her, but in a traditional environment, embracing that connection wasn’t easy. The real world called, and Helena answered by pursuing photography at the NYC Institute of Photography, a field where she could capture the physical beauty of life while still sensing that there was more to uncover. Photography, for Helena, was not just about taking pictures. It was a way to explore the realms beyond the physical—a way to show the world what she saw through her spiritual lens. But as she grew, so did her awareness that her gift went far beyond the camera. The whispers of spirit grew louder. In her 20s, Helena fully embraced her connection with the spiritual world, experiencing visits and messages from realms unseen, guiding her to what would become her true path: healing, coaching, and leading others to discover their own divine power.

Helena’s journey led her to become a certified life coach, but not just any life coach—one who dives deep into the subconscious, the hidden realms where the most profound healing can take place. Through Soar.See.Air, her life’s work began to take shape. She realized that true healing isn't just about talking through problems; it’s about unlocking the subconscious, where we store our most sacred truths and deepest wounds.

With a heart wide open and a mind ready to explore, Helena expanded her knowledge in breathwork, mediumship, ancient shamanic ceremonies, crystal healing, and energy work. She wasn’t just dabbling in these practices; she was living them, embodying them, using them to bring healing to others in the most profound ways.

Helena’s spiritual practice is rooted in love—everything she creates, whether it’s sacred tinctures, healing sprays, or her powerful coaching sessions, is made with love. It’s this love that has made her a two-time winner of Faces Magazine’s Life Coach/Spiritual Healer award in both 2022 and 2023. Her work even caught the attention of CTV News, where she was featured in October 2020, spreading her message of love and healing to an even wider audience.

But Helena’s real magic lies in the space she creates for others. She’s a spiritual healer, yes, but she’s also a light warrior—someone who helps others see both their shadow and their light, guiding them to embrace all parts of themselves. Her clients don’t just come to her for answers; they come to her for transformation, for a journey into themselves where they can find healing, clarity, and, most importantly, love.

Helena views her journey as just beginning. She continues to bridge the worlds of spirituality and everyday life, showing people that they are not separate but one. She believes that through self-love, we can all access our inner light and tap into the deep well of wisdom and healing that resides within us.

Her clients leave her sessions with a renewed sense of purpose, connected to their higher selves and ready to live life in alignment with their truest, most authentic selves. Helena’s story is one of courage—of daring to follow a path not many understand, of trusting in the power of spirit, and of illuminating the way for others to find their own inner light.

In a world that often feels disconnected, Helena is here to remind us that we are all connected, that love is the most powerful force, and that by embracing both our shadows and our light, we can truly soar. Helena Mikhael isn’t just a life coach or a healer—she’s a guide, a torchbearer, leading the way to a life filled with purpose, love, and profound transformation.

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